Burns injury compensation

Burns injury compensation

For getting your life back on track

Suffering from a burns injury can impact your daily life, limiting your ability to work, engage in routine activities and affecting your self-confidence. Beyond the immediate physical pain, the emotional trauma and concerns about future scarring, medical expenses and potential loss of income can be overwhelming. If your burns were as a result of someone else's negligence or direct actions, you might be entitled to claim compensation to address your suffering and any financial setbacks it has caused.

At Switalskis, we understand the challenges you may be facing due to your burn injury. Our specialist solicitors stand ready to guide and support you throughout the compensation process. Our dedicated team offers compassionate, clear and concise advice, making sure you're informed every step of the way.

Whether your injury was the result of an accident at work, happened in a public place or under any other circumstances where someone else was at fault, we're here to assist you. We take pride in making the legal process as simple as possible for our clients, providing clarity and understanding at each turn. Choosing Switalskis means more than just legal representation - it means aligning with a team genuinely committed to securing you the best possible outcome.

To discuss your specific circumstances and explore your options, please call us today on 0800 1380 458, or get in touch via our form.

How Switalskis can help you

When you reach out to us, our initial conversation will focus on understanding the specifics of your situation and assessing whether you can make a claim. We'll make sure you're fully informed about what's involved and what steps you need to take should you decide to proceed.

Choosing to pursue a claim with us means you'll have a dedicated team guiding you every step of the way. We're committed to breaking down legal complexities into straightforward language, allowing you to concentrate on your recovery while we build your case.

We want to understand in depth how your burns have affected your life. With our compassionate and thorough approach, we aim to empower you with a clear understanding of your rights and make sure you are well-positioned on the path to compensation and recovery.

Read what our clients had to say about the help they received from Switalskis

What types of burns can we help you make a claim for?

Burns can vary significantly in their cause, severity and the long-term impact they can have on your life. Here are some examples of types of burns for which you may be able to seek compensation:

  • Thermal burns: these are caused by direct contact with open flames, hot liquids, steam, or heated objects. They're common in workplace accidents, especially in environments where hot machinery or substances are used.
  • Chemical burns: Resulting from contact with corrosive substances or chemicals, these burns can happen in various settings, from industrial workplaces to household accidents involving cleaning products.
  • Electrical burns: Caused by electrical currents, these burns can be deceptive as the external injury might appear minor but the internal damage can be extensive.
  • Radiation burns: Often associated with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light or other radiation sources, these can arise from medical treatments or sunburns that result from inadequate protection. 
  • Friction burns: These are caused by the skin rubbing against a hard surface, often seen in road traffic accidents when a pedestrian or cyclist is dragged or slides along the road.
  • Cold burns (frostbite): Prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures without adequate protection can cause burns, leading to skin and tissue damage.
  • Smoke inhalation: Breathing in smoke can cause long-term lung damage

If you've experienced a burn and believe it was due to someone else's negligence or a deliberate act, seek legal advice. We approach each case with understanding and compassion, recognising the physical and emotional pain that burns can inflict. 

How can negligence lead to burn injuries?

Burn injuries can be the result of negligence on the part of a person or organisation. Situations that we frequently encounter include:

  • Workplace lapses: Your employer has a legal duty to make sure the workplace is safe. If they fail to provide adequate training, safety equipment or maintain machinery, workers can suffer burns from hot equipment, chemicals or electrical faults.
  • Unsafe products: Manufacturers might release products that overheat, malfunction or don't have clear safety instructions. Such oversights can lead to consumers suffering burns.
  • Property hazards: Landlords or property managers who don't maintain heating systems, electrical wiring or address potential fire hazards can be held responsible for burns sustained by tenants or visitors. House fires caused by faulty electrical appliances are common. 
  • Road accidents: Negligent drivers can cause accidents leading to vehicle fires. If another driver's carelessness results in a fire, they may be liable for any burn injuries you suffer. Disasters can also arise when vehicles spill dangerous chemicals on the road.
  • Lack of supervision: In settings like schools, care homes or nurseries, the absence of proper supervision can lead to burn accidents, especially if hot substances or electrical items are within easy reach. Injuries caused by explosions, fireworks and public displays can also happen due to lack of training and/or supervision.

Making a burns injury compensation claim

Navigating the steps of a compensation claim can be daunting, but with our experienced solicitors by your side, the process becomes more manageable. While we'll shoulder most of the legal responsibilities, we'll make sure you're always in the loop, guiding you whenever your input is needed.

Here's a general outline of how you can expect the process to unfold:

Step 1: Initial consultation

 The claims process always begins with a conversation. When you contact our personal injury team, we'll ask you questions about the specifics of your burns injury, offering insights into what you might expect from your claim.

Step 2: Establishing your claim

We'll start gathering evidence to support your claim. This could include medical records detailing the severity of your burns, incident reports, statements and any communication with the other parties involved in your incident. If you're claiming for financial repercussions, we'll need relevant financial documentation that shows your out-of-pocket expenses.

Step 3: Notifying the defendant

Once we've built a strong argument, we'll approach the party at fault, notifying them of your claim.

Step 4: Negotiation

The defendant might accept your claim and we can begin to negotiate your compensation payment. If they contest it, we might have to escalate matters to court. Burns may need skin grafts or corrective surgery and can result in life-changing injuries. Switalskis will guide you through the rehabilitation process.

Step 5: Court proceedings (where necessary)

While most burn injury claims are settled in negotiation, some do result in court proceedings. Should this be the case, we'll prepare your case for court.

Step 6: Settlement and compensation

Upon a successful claim, we'll make sure the defendant honours their obligation and compensates you for the trauma and repercussions of your burns injury.

What are the time limits for making a burns injury claim?

Generally, personal injury claims should be initiated within three years of the incident causing the injury. However, for burns injuries, the time limit might start from when you first became aware of the severity or long-term implications of the burn.

There are certain exceptions to this three-year time frame:

  • Children: For incidents involving children, claims can be initiated any time before the child reaches 18. Following that, they have until their 21st birthday to pursue a claim on their own.
  • Mental capacity: If you're making a claim on behalf of someone who lacks the mental capacity to claim for themselves, the usual time restrictions might not apply.
  • Criminal injuries: If you suffered your injury due to someone’s intention to cause harm, you may be able to claim through the Criminal Injury Compensation Authority (CICA), where there is a two-year limit. We can help you to make a CICA claim.

The earlier you get in touch with us, the more effectively we can represent your interests by gathering the evidence to support your claim.

What will burn injury compensation cover? How much compensation can I claim?

Personal injury compensation is calculated depending on two different categories:

  • General damages: Address the physical pain and psychological trauma resulting from your burns injury. The more severe these are, the more compensation you'll be able to claim. Burn injuries can have a huge impact, very often leaving extensive physical disfigurement and scarring.
  • Special damages: Account for any financial setbacks you've experienced due to your burns, including medical expenses, lost wages from time off work and any other costs directly related to your injury.

The compensation amount you might receive depends on the severity of your burns and the injury’s impact on your life.

How are burns injury claims funded?

The majority of our burns injury compensation claims are on a no win, no fee basis. This means that our legal fees only need to be paid if we successfully secure compensation for you.

What to remember when making a burns injury compensation claim

Prioritising your health and wellbeing is the most important thing to do following any type of accident. If you've sustained a burn due to an accident or negligence, there are several steps you can take to improve your chances of getting the support and compensation you need:

  • Seek medical attention: Visiting a doctor or hospital is important. Documentation backed up by medical professionals stands as strong evidence in a compensation claim.
  • Report the incident: If the burn happened at work or in a public setting, you should notify the relevant authorities or management. By doing so, you not only create a record of the incident but also potentially prevent similar accidents from happening to others in the future.
  • Take photographs: Capturing clear images of the burn and the cause, if possible, can be invaluable. These photographs can serve as undeniable evidence, strengthening your claim.

Working with Switalskis is a step towards securing the necessary support structures, helping you navigate the path to recovery with confidence.

Contact us today and let's start your journey towards recovery together. Call us today on 0800 1380 458, or get in touch via our form.

Our burns injury claim specialists

Katrina ElseySenior Associate Litigation Executive
Photo of Diane Parker
Diane ParkerDirector and Solicitor
Photo of Louise Moore
Louise MoorePortal Co-ordinator
Photo of Kelly Homar
Kelly HomarSenior Associate Chartered Legal Executive
Photo of Robert Frost
Robert FrostChartered Legal Executive
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Why Switalskis?

Our solicitors are experienced in handling burn injury compensation claims. Throughout your claim journey, we'll support you by offering clear and insightful legal advice.

Clarity in complexity

Burns injury claims can appear daunting, but with the right guidance, they become easily navigable. We're dedicated to making this process as straightforward for you as possible, using easy-to-grasp language instead of confusing and technical legal jargon.

Empathy at every step

We care about you as an individual and are here to listen to your concerns, seek to understand your emotions and provide tailored advice that resonates with your circumstances. To us, you're not merely a client; you're a person facing a challenging time and we pledge our unwavering support.

Expertise you can trust

When navigating a burns injury compensation claim, you deserve to be in capable hands. Switalskis takes pride in its extensive experience and consistent record of successfully managing personal injury claims of various levels.

Our commitment to champion your rights and strive for the best possible outcome is unwavering. A significant number of our solicitors are distinguished experts accredited by the Law Society .

Championing your rights

Our team is driven to uphold your rights and make sure your voice is heard. We'll accompany you through each stage of the claims journey, making sure you're prepared to make informed decisions. Place your trust in us and we’ll guide and support you every step of the way towards recovery.

What are the types of personal injury claims?

Personal injury claims come in various shapes and sizes, each with its own set of rules, challenges and considerations. At Switalskis, we've got the expertise to handle a wide range of personal injury claims. Here's a quick rundown of the various types of personal injury claims we can help you with:

Find out how Switalskis can help you

If you’ve suffered because of a burn injury that wasn’t your fault, call us on 0800 1380 458 . Alternatively, you can contact us through the website to learn more about how we can assist you.

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