Wynter Sophia Andrews: sentence handed down to Nottingham NHS
By Clare Gooch
Nottingham Magistrates Court handed down their sentence to Nottingham University Hospital Trust for the failures that led to Wynter Andrews’ death.

Following admission to the hospital on 14 September 2019 Sarah Andrews, Wynter’s mum was told on numerous occasions that she was in latent labour and had been for several days.
A number of examinations and consultations with medical staff were undertaken at the hospital. Despite clear signs that Sarah was in established labour, which included a worrying CTG result, Sarah’s labour was allowed to continue without adequate progression. She was left feeling ‘humiliated and worthless’ because her pain and condition had been ignored. Eventually a decision was made to carry out a Section on 15 September 2019. Sadly, the numerous errors meant that it was too late to deliver Wynter safely. Wynter sadly died shortly after being delivered.
Several investigations following Wynter’s death revealed and identified a number of serious failings that could otherwise have been avoided and would have led to Wynter being delivered safely.
On 25 January 2023, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust pleaded guilty to two charges following prosecution by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), for failures to provide safe care and treatment to Sarah and Wynter Andrews, resulting in significant avoidable harm.
The sentence handed down by District Judge Grace Leong imposes a fine of £800,000 payable by the Trust over a two-year period demonstrates the severity in the failures of the maternity care provided to Sarah and Wynter. Whilst this will not alter the events that have taken place, or right the wrongs that took place, it shows that the Trust can no longer shy away from taking accountability for these catastrophic failings.
We continue to be instructed by families on cases where incidents of unsafe maternity care have occurred. We hope that this criminal prosecution is the beginning of real change that makes maternity services across the UK safer for everybody.
We act for so many families who have suffered as a result of poor maternity care. We encourage anyone who has been affected by care received from Nottingham University Hospital Trust to contact us with us so that we can begin to support you too.