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National Grief Awareness Week

By Emma Hudson

Published In: Clinical Negligence

Grief is a process that everyone can relate to in one way or another. Sadly, many of us have already experienced grief and the emotions it brings, where others may just be starting the process and some waiting for it to come.

Our colleague Emma Hudson shares her journey after losing her son Jude in 2022:

"In March 2022 my youngest son, Jude, died due to complications associated with a rare neuro-degenerative condition called Schinzel-Giedion Syndrome.

"I had been Jude’s carer for several years and although I always knew Jude’s life would be short, his death was devastating. From the raw shock of the first few hours, to the stillness of the first dawn without him. From the heart-breaking tributes spoken at his funeral, to the stomach churning realisation that the heavy weight of this grief would be with me forever. Every moment was painful in those first months.

"I have always been a communicator but in those first few weeks after Jude had died I couldn’t communicate. Text messages went unanswered, cards were left unopened and voicemails were never listened to. I withdrew from the world around me - the world in which Jude did not exist.

"Withdrawing from everyone and everything left me feeling isolated. I did not know many other mothers who had lost a child. I felt strange, weird and different. I felt like I had done something wrong and I was ashamed of my loss. I was scared to talk, scared to talk about Jude and scared to talk about what had happened.

"It has been nearly two years since Jude died and during that time I have grown and learnt to cope with my grief in ways that I did not expect. I have become confident in talking about Jude and his condition. Stories of Jude pepper conversations and all those around me know of my little blonde haired boy in blue glasses.

"My hope is that I will never stop talking about Jude and I hope that any bereaved families reading this blog will take this as inspiration to talk about their babies, children and loved ones that they have lost as in my view talking about them keeps them alive. Please don’t ever feel ashamed or scared to vocalise your thoughts or memories about your child like I did.

"Talking is important and more so if you consider that the care or treatment your child received caused them harm or led to their death. There is a lot of stigma attached to the death of a  baby or child. The fear of talking about a painful and distressing time may discourage families from seeking help to investigate concerns surrounding their child’s death. I encourage you to take a breath and contact us at Switalskis if you have any concerns about your child’s medical care and treatment. We are here  to listen and help where we can.

"Jude’s death will always be a deeply personal event that was only shared with my husband. No one else will ever understand the feelings and emotions of those final moments as it is personal to us. However,  I can share memories of Jude and I can be open about what it is like to grieve a child. I hope that sharing my experience will let other parents know that they are not alone. There are individuals, including lawyers, who empathise deeply with child bereavement and this empathy will follow the sensitive and respectful way in which we can assist you to understand what happened to your child, question the care and treatment that you and/or your child received and address any wrongdoings whilst seeking recompense for your pain and losses."

At Switalskis, we strive to ensure that our clients feel fully supported throughout their Medical Negligence claim. We provide a safe space for our clients to express their emotions and feelings so they can tell us how they really feel. We strive to investigate and provide answers to unanswered questions. We attempt to help fill in the pieces of the puzzle that are missing by assisting with inquests and where possible we try to hold those responsible accountable for their actions that have led to these events.

If you have feel you have suffered as a result of Medical Negligence, please get in touch so that we can begin to support you by calling 0800 1380 458 , or contacting us through the website .

National Grief Awareness Week takes place from 2 8 December and is an annual event that aims to create a safe space for individuals to openly discuss their experiences with grief and loss. It encourages empathy, compassion, and support for those who are grieving, emphasizing that grief is a universal and often challenging part of the human experience.

For more information visit: #SupportingGrief

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Photo of Emma Hudson

Emma qualified as a Solicitor in 2013.She is a Solicitor in our Medical Negligence team. Emma has a level 2 qualification in counselling skills.


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