NHS Trusts pay millions in damages for negligent care given to children
By Clare Gooch
It has recently been reported that two NHS Trusts – Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust and Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust – have paid millions in damages relating to two claims involving children.

Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust who were behind the worst maternity scandal in the UK, were subsequently investigated by Donna Ockenden and her team, which highlighted many failings on part of the maternity care provided by the Trust.
Sadly, Adam Cheshire suffered as a result of these reported failings. Adam contracted Group B Strep (GBS) which went undiagnosed for weeks following his birth, despite him being symptomatic and his mother’s complaints. He required extensive intensive care treatment where he was later diagnosed, but the damage had already been done. The failings resulted with Adam now suffering significant, life changing injuries. The Trust have accepted 80% responsibility for the failings, which has been approved by the Court. Adam will now receive adequate compensation – likely millions – to assist him for the rest of his life.
Similarly, Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust have been ordered to pay £39 million to a young girl who suffered life changing injuries following a delay in diagnosis of and sepsis. Despite her parents taking her to A&E several times with red flag symptoms, she was repeatedly discharged with guidelines on and ignored. The result of this led to a delay in diagnosis resulting in limb amputations that could otherwise have been avoided, had the guidelines been followed. The Trust have admitted their failings, which have ultimately had a devastating impact on the young girl and her family.
We act for so many families who have suffered as a result of poor medical care. Babies have died or been brain damaged , children have suffered amputations that could have been avoided, parents have suffered psychological trauma from seeing their children suffer unnecessarily and mothers have suffered obstetric injuries.
We encourage anyone who has been affected by care received by any medical provider to contact us , so that we can start helping you too.
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