Kirkup report: common pattern of significant failures at hospitals
By Clare Gooch
Many have described Dr Kirkup’s report as a harrowing read following its publication on 19 October 2022 and they’re not wrong. The report, like many other reviews already published, identifies significant failures that follow a common pattern – staffing issues, training issues, pressures following the pandemic.

For many years NHS Trusts have been able to hide behind these systemic failures as a reason for the substandard and suboptimal care experienced by many families resulting in devastating consequences.
However, Dr Kirkup’s report doesn’t just highlight issues we may have seen reported previously. He highlights other significant contributory factors that have not before now been publically identified as a cause for concern. Dr Kirkup describes egotistical and self-important behaviours demonstrated by staff and employees at the Trust, referencing bullying and hierarchal status that has sadly determined the safety of women and babies.
These personal traits referenced have had a substantial impact on the care provided to women and babies within the Trust, which now brings in to question individual conduct rather than solely a national systemic issue. The biggest question is will individuals begin to accept accountability for their actions? Will the report send a message that sees professionals work together to ensure women’s and their babies’ safety remains of paramount importance? Only time will tell.
We act for so many families who have suffered as a result of poor maternity care. Babies have died or been brain damaged, parents have suffered trauma and mothers have suffered obstetric injury
We encourage anyone who has been affected by care received from East Kent Hospitals NHS Trust to make contact with us so that we can begin to support you too. Call 0800 138 0458 or email