Lindsay Clark

Medical Negligence

Photo of Lindsay Clark

Lindsay Clark


Lindsay has worked in the legal sector for 12 years. She is a Solicitor in our Medical Negligence team.

Medical Negligence

Switalskis Solicitors Ltd
Suite 1A, 18 Back Swinegate

Since qualifying as a solicitor in 2011, Lindsay has spent her entire career representing victims of medical negligence.

Lindsay deals with all types of medical negligence claims, and has substantial experience of helping those affected by a delay or misdiagnosis of cancer, GP negligence and surgical negligence.

She has a particular interest and expertise in birth injury, and cases, particularly in representing families whose babies have died as a result of negligent medical care.


Lindsay is passionate about supporting her clients and helping them through the unfamiliar, and sometimes overwhelming, process of bringing a medical negligence claim.

Kind and compassionate, she recognises for many of her clients understanding what happened, receiving an apology and ensuring the same mistakes are not repeated can be as important as financial compensation.

As a result, Lindsay places significant value on the importance of clear and empathetic communication. She ensures her clients feel comfortable and informed throughout their claim, understand the process at all times, and are consulted about the steps taken and decisions made at every stage.

“Lindsay has been professional throughout the time she has worked on my case. My claim of negligence is personal and some discussions could have been difficult and embarrassing.

However, Lindsay showed compassion and care which dissolved any discomfort I felt during the many conversations we had.”

Medical Negligence client


Yorkshire Legal Awards 2023 Winners of Law Firm of the Year LargeYorkshire Legal Awards finalist Personal Injury and Clinical Neglgience 2023
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