Abigail Duffy

Child Care

Abigail Duffy

Solicitor Advocate

Abigail has 15 years' experience in child law. She is a Solicitor Advocate in our Child Care department.

Child Care

Switalskis Solicitors Ltd
In the DB Cargo Building
Lakeside Business Park
Carolina Way

Abigail has a wealth of experience representing parents, relatives and other carers in child care proceedings.

She is also a member if the Law Society's Children Law panel and has a number of years' experience representing children in both public and private law proceedings. Abigail holds her higher rights of audience in civil proceedings which means she can provide continuity of representation to clients at every stage of court proceedings, including the appeal courts.


Abigail provides sensitive and practical advice on a wide range of matters relating to child care law, and has a deep understanding of the processes involved when social services intervene with a family. Abigail's approach to her clients is to act with honesty, dedication and commitment. She applies a realistic and pragmatic approach to all cases and is not afraid to fight on my client’s behalf.


Yorkshire Legal Awards 2023 Winners of Law Firm of the Year LargeImage of the award for the winner the Family law team or individual of the Year
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